DAY I - June 11, 2024

Session 1 (12:00 – 13:30)

Promoting Recycling through the Governance of Solid Waste Sector

Mode: Panel Discussion




This panel discussion will focus on promoting recycling through the governance of the solid waste sector. To familiarize the audience with the national regulatory policies for solid waste management, the Ministry of Environment will introduce the legal & institutional framework for waste management, featuring the role of the private sector in service delivery, the responsibilities of the commercial sector waste generators, and the importance of integrating the informal sector.

The Ministry of Local Administration will elaborate on the municipal strategies for integrated waste management approach, highlighting the outcomes of the updated “National Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategy”, the country-wide priorities and targets, and the current programs and initiatives for recycling. Moreover, Greater Amman Municipality will highlight its strategic direction in promoting private sector engagement and its support for the recycling sector’s growth.

GAM will elaborate on the new approach of delivering the city-wide solid waste management services through the newly established company “Amman Vision for Recycling and Treatment”.

On behalf of the private sector, the Chambers of Industry and Commerce will shed some light on the recycling sector’s size, characteristics, investment potential, and some of the growth limitations and challenges.

This session will be a great opportunity to catalyze a constructive discussion amongst active actors within the recycling sector and will act as a steppingstone for a sustainable public private dialogue.


Proposed Structure

This session is designed as a panel discussion.

The MC will provide an overview on the solid waste sector in Jordan. This overview will be provided before introducing the speakers and inviting them to share their opening statements.

The MC will introduce each speaker in the session based on the bio and CV.


Panel Discussion

The session consists of a panel discussion as follows:


Panel Speaker #1


HE Dr. Jihad Al Sawair


Director of Waste Management & Hazardous Substances Directorate


Ministry of Environment

Contact details



MOENV: National Regulatory Policies for Solid Waste Management

o Instructions for Source Separation

o Waste Management Plans Guidelines

o Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Instructions for Packaging Material

o National Information Management System

o Potential of Climate Finance Through Recycling and Waste Recovery



Panel Speaker #2


HE Eng. Raeda Al Oran


Director Of Solid Waste Management Department


Ministry of Local Administration

Contact details


MOLA: Municipal Strategies for Integrated Waste Management Approach

o National Solid Waste Management Strategy

o Country-wide Priorities and Targets

o Current programs and initiatives for recycling



Panel Speaker #3


HE Eng. Firas Obeidat


Advisor to the Mayor Amman for Establishing AVTR Company


Greater Amman Municipality

Contact details


GAM: Amman City Strategies for Private Sector Engagement

o Amman Vision for Recycling and Treatment

o Support for the recycling sector’s growth

o Recycling Banks & Waste Pickers Integration

o Waste Service fees vs incentives (tentative)



Panel Speaker #4


HE Mr. Mohammad Walid Al-Jitan


Deputy Treasurer - Representative of the Food and Catering Industries Sectors


Jordan Chamber of Industry

Contact details


Recycling Sector’s Representation

o Recycling sector’s size, characteristics, investment potential

o Growth Limitations and Challenges: (suggested topics)

·        Licensing (formal vs in-formal)

·        Occupational/Environmental Requirements

·        Financial Burdens (taxes, export/import fees, others)


Panel Speaker #5


HE Mr. Hammam Habannakeh


Member of the Board of Directors / Representative of Home & Office Furniture & Stationary Sector


Jordan Chamber of Commerce

Contact details


Recycling Sector’s Representation

o Recycling sector’s size, characteristics, investment potential

o Growth Limitations and Challenges: (suggested topics)

·        Behavior change vs Incentives

·        Financial Burdens (taxes, export/import fees, others)


Session Moderator

Engineer Ammar Abu Drais


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